Training and Development

University Services HR supports the unit’s goal to “engage and support employees” by offering dynamic training and development opportunities for staff. Skill development and learning topics are determined with input from employees across University Services. The HR team offers content that is rooted in research and highly relevant to the work being done by our diverse teams. 

Check out the calendar and training list below for upcoming events! Have a question or would like to request specific training? Send an email to Whitney Taha Frakes at [email protected]

Training Calendar

Creating a Feedback Rich Environment 

University Services supervisors and managers will learn strategies to incorporate feedback into their regular interactions with staff. This in-person course will rely on research-based approaches to receiving and providing feedback. Attendees will gain an understanding of the barriers to feedback, the building blocks of effective feedback and strategies to navigate resistance. Register on Training Hub today! 

Empowering Others Through Coaching 

This course is for managers and supervisors who want to develop skills and strengths in coaching employees, explore coaching as a tool to manage, support and develop staff members. Attendees will gain awareness of their own strengths that will influence their personal coaching style. The material will offer a format to guide coaching conversations that will empower employees to identify their own solutions and strategies. Attendees must complete Creating a Feedback Rich Environment prior to enrolling

Regents Tuition Benefit

The University of Minnesota is committed to investing in its employees and fostering a culture of excellence. The Regents Tuition Benefit Program provides eligible employees access to University credit-bearing education opportunities at a reduced tuition cost. This Program is an employee benefit offered by the University.   

University Service Enrichment Program

University Services Enrichment Program is an opportunity for Twin Cities University Services Teamster represented employees to receive up to $2,000 of reimbursement per semester for tuition expenses towards a two-year Mechanic Degree in Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning.