Performance and Talent Management

University Services promotes a transparent performance management process that challenges employees in their roles and aligns with our strategic goals and mission. There are two distinct performance management processes based on employee type. In the process designated for AFSCME Clerical, Civil Service and P&A employees, the performance management cycle aligns with the fiscal year and is managed using the University’s Performance Appraisal Tool (PAT). In the process, for Teamsters and AFSCME Technical, each team member is reviewed on a regular basis by their supervisor using a predetermined rubric. More details about the latter process will be available in the fall of 2024.

AFSCME Clerical, Civil Service and P&A employees

The annual performance management process emphasizes setting challenging and effective goals starting in July and August of each fiscal year. Once goals are entered into the Performance Appraisal Tool (PAT) then the real work begins. On-going check ins between supervisors and team members are the primary and most important aspect of the performance management process. Regular conversation can cover goal progress and overall performance. The annual performance cycle concludes with a final performance appraisal in the spring and includes a rating of needs improvement, strong contributor or exceeds expectations. With a three point rating system, the majority of team members will likely be considered strong contributors, which is a successful rating. 

Frequently Asked Questions

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Who uses the Performance Appraisal Tool (PAT)?

In University Services, only AFSCME Clerical, Civil Service and P&A employees. All employee data is fed into PAT from PeopleSoft so supervisors will see names for Teamsters and AFSCME Technical too, but they will not be using the tool.

How do I create goals?

Refer to Goal Examples for Performance Management for guidance on how to write a goal, including criteria and examples.

What if my goals do not cover my entire job?

Your annual performance goals will not cover all of your work. Your goals should focus on what is most important for you to accomplish this year. Your annual evaluation will include an evaluation of how well you accomplished your goals and an overall evaluation for the rest of your work.

Who enters the goals?

Each individual employee enters their own goals into PAT. Supervisors have the ability to enter, edit or delete goals but that doesn’t mean they are responsible for goal entry and management. It is the responsibility of each team member to enter and edit their own goals.

Can the goals be changed after entering into PAT?

How often should I check in on my goals? What are the dates?

Every team and department will be different based on the nature of the work. If you are unsure how to determine frequency, start with a monthly check-in. If you find yourself needing to discuss with your supervisor more often, increase the frequency. If you find that monthly check-ins are too often, switch to every other month. 

What is visible in PAT throughout the year?

Employees can see the most recent version of their personal goals at any time. When the evaluation phase opens as an ongoing evaluation the employee will be able to document progress. Refer to page 4 for images and instructions. Supervisors can see all employees’ goals and comments entered into the system. Conversely, employees can not see supervisor’s comments until they have been submitted for Employee Signature. See page 6 for images

What if I can’t complete my goal?

In conjunction with your supervisor, decide if the goal is still relevant. Sometimes priorities shift mid-year. The good news is that PAT allows for mid-year edits to your goals. If the goal has been downgraded in priority, consider re-writing the goal or not including it on the evaluation. Goals that are not included in the evaluation will remain in the system and can be carried forward for the next fiscal year. 

Can more than one supervisor review an employee?

Yes. The team member’s supervisor can email [email protected] with details of the direct supervisor, the employee name and who should have additional viewer, approval or evaluation access. 

Do I receive a rating as part of my annual review?

Every team member who participates in PAT will receive an overall rating of needs improvement, strong contributor or exceeds expectations. With a three point rating system, the majority of team members will likely be considered strong contributors, which is a successful rating. In the past, employees received a rating of 1 to 5. This practice ended in June of 2024. 

Does my rating impact my compensation?

Yes. We will continue to use established merit pay guidelines. 

Should I still create an Individual Development Plan (IDP) in addition to my performance goals?

An IDP is an optional plan used to identify and set learning goals for yourself. The IDP may or may not relate to your performance goals. When writing performance goals, you may identify developmental needs in order to complete the goal. If that’s the case, use an IDP to identify knowledge, skills or competencies to develop. Alternatively, you may also choose to create optional developmental goals that do not relate to your performance goals.